Newsletter Term 2 Weeks 1-5 2024
Principal's Report

Dear Members of the St John’s Catholic College Community,
Dearest Lord,
Lift us high on Eagles’ wings,
teach us to be Strong in Faith,
St John the Evangelist guides us to live Your Word,
giving witness to compassion and courage,
welcome and truth.
Pro Diligentia Awards
Recently we held our Term 2 Formal Assembly to present our Pro Diligentia Awards, which are awarded to students (one nomination per class) for consistent effort and application in their studies. It was wonderful to welcome to the College so many proud families for the assembly.

Pro Diligentia Recipients | Pro Diligentia Recipients |
Luca Abate | Sasha Kelantumama |
Faraz Ahmad | Rosemarie Lalara |
Hineamaru Ahpene | Sysha Lamba |
Nicole Allen | Tyrell Lindsay |
Aeiden Arulkumar | Johara Lubguban |
Ratthida Aunkham | Fazili Lukendo |
Katie Austral | Gabby Mack |
Madiha Azam | Thomas Mack |
Afia Azam | Avika Malik |
Querene Bamia | James Marralanybananga |
William Bingham | Keenen Mayo |
Jackson Brisbane | Megan-Lynn McClelland |
Jorja Brisbane | Sienna McKeen |
Nicholas Brisbane | Catrina Meldrum |
Alexander Brotherton | Muhirwa Natasha |
Yuvraj Bubber | Samuel Neave |
Joseph Carroll | Dylan Ngere |
Ashton Cubillo | Hoang Ngoc An |
Regina Dada | Ester Nirigi |
Elisabeth Daniels | Taye Oliver |
Nicolas De Souza Fischborn | Ted Bue Ovia |
Isiah Dhurrkay | Nathania |
Naura Abietha | Simbarashe Pawandiwa |
Spencer Evans | Makanaka Pawandiwa |
Jayden Ford | Adam Pendergast |
Piper Gaisford | Barett Ratna Dass |
Cruzo Galarla | Matisse Read |
Zachary Hancock | Emma Ryan |
Grace Harris | Leon Salumu Ndamusungu |
Jayda-Marie Hector | Tawan Sornsawan |
Arkady Heritier | Ethan Sues |
Cooper Hopkins | Zhibin Sun |
Zettlan Hughes | Eden Sutherland |
Felicity Idama | Reuben Thomas |
Marie Itongwa | Michaelene Ferber-Tomlins |
Hayden Jansz | Brieanna Tyrrell |
Taniesha John-Forrest | Phillipa Unghango |
Alyra Johns | Hunter Watling |
Tamlin Johnson | Joshua Winters |
Savvas Karpasitis | ZeWei Yong |
Open Days
The enrolment process for 2025 has already commenced. This term the College will host three open days for students in Years 5 / 6:
- Wednesday 15 May – St Mary’s Catholic Primary School + interested students from local Government Schools (completed)
- Wednesday 29 May – Holy Spirit Catholic Primary School + interested students from local Government Schools
- Wednesday 5 June – St Paul’s Catholic Primary School + interested students from local Government Schools
The focus of the days is for students to experience a regular school day at St John’s rather than an intense Open Day type event. We hope that through participating in these days, students will become familiar with: the buildings and classrooms, routines of St John’s, start to form friendships with current St John’s students, develop confidence and reduce stress around transitioning from Primary School to Secondary School. Parents and Carers of students at other Catholic and Government Schools are requested to contact Mr Joel Taban on 8982 2222 or should you wish for your son or daughter to attend. Parent Information evenings will also take place at the College on:
- Wednesday 5 June, 5pm at St John’s – Multi Purpose Room – Presentation of Information, Q&A and Tour of the College
- Thursday 13 June, 5pm at St John’s – Multi Purpose Room – Presentation of Information, Q&A and Tour of the College
International Engagement and Enrolment
It was wonderful to visit Dili, Timor Leste recently to connect with families of current and prospective students. During our visit we were blessed to once again spend some time with the students and staff at St Anthony’s International School. Timor Leste presents a wonderful and natural fit for St John’s, with both QANTAS and Air North flying directly into Dili (1 hour and 20 minutes), and a large Catholic Community looking for additional education and training opportunities. We look forward to continuing to build the relationship over the coming years.

Staffing Update:
Acting Head of Daley House
I am pleased to announce that Mr Benjamin Friis will undertake the role of Acting Head of Daley House for the remainder of Term 2: Monday 6 May – Friday 21 June. Mr Friis is taking on these duties in addition to his Head of Doneley House role. We thank Mr Friis for his leadership and pastoral care and wellbeing support during this time. Mr Friis can be contacted at the College on 08 8982 2222 or
Stage 2 Material Solutions
I am pleased to announce that Ms Shinead Love will take over Stage 2 Material Solutions for the remainder of the course. Ms Love is an experienced teacher who has a background in Design and Technologies. In addition, Mr Carlo Di Donato will return to the College for three block days to support Ms Love and the Stage 2 students in the completion of their Stage 2 Material Solutions course. On these selected days, students will be given release from all other classes and are expected to attend the workshop for the full day. We are appreciative of Mr Di Donato and MacKillop Catholic College for facilitating this opportunity.
Ms Ruby – School Officer: Student Services and Administration – Commenced Tuesday 7 May
I am pleased to announce the appointment of Ms Thi Nhu Ngoc Ngo (Ms Ruby) to the position of School Officer: Student Services and Administration, commencing Tuesday 7 May. Ms Ruby holds a Bachelor of Accounting from the University of Labour and Social Affairs, Vietnam, and MSc in International Business Management from Bournemouth University, as well as diplomas in Hospitality Management and Early Childhood Education and Care. Ms Ruby joins the College from Goodstart Darwin Airport, where she has been a Senior Educator, she also has prior experience as a country manager for an e-commerce startup business in Malaysia and Indonesia before relocating to Australia.
Mr Daniel Amoko – Casual Inclusion Support Assistant – Commenced Tuesday 7 May
I am pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Daniel Amoko to the position of Casual Inclusion Support Assistant. Mr Amoko is a recent graduate of Darwin High School and plans to undertake further studies in Paramedicine. Mr Amoko’s Stage 2 studies included General Mathematics, English, Physical Education, Photography and Health and Wellbeing. Mr Amoko has a keen interest in Soccer and the Gym.
Mr Siva Umaharan (Classroom Teacher: Design and Technology: Woodwork and Metalwork) – Commenced Monday 13 May
I am pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Siva Umaharan to the position of Classroom Teacher on a short-term contract from Monday 13 May (Week 5, Term 2) – Friday 20 September (Week 10, Term 3). Mr Umaharan joins St John’s from Chifley College NSW where he is currently on leave. Mr Umaharan holds a Bachelor of Education (Technology and Applied Studies – Computing Major) from Charles Sturt University, a Diploma in Computer Science from the Australian Computer Society, a Diploma in Business Administration from ABE UK, Certificate IV in Workplace Training and Assessment from TAFE NSW, Certificate III in Information Digital Media and Technology from TAFE NSW, Certificate III in Business from TAFE NSW, Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways, and is a Microsoft Innovative Educator Trainer. Mr Umaharan brings 20 years teaching experience to St John’s through his experience at Chifley College NSW, and a range of other teaching, lecturing, analyst and IT roles in Australia, Brunei and Sri Lanka.
Carla Hayes – Classroom Teacher (Home Economics / Food and Hospitality) – Commencing Semester 2
I am pleased to announce the appointment of Ms Carla Hayes to a teaching position commencing Monday 15 July 2024. Ms Hayes holds a Bachelor of Education from the University of Southern Queensland, and is currently studying a Diploma of Secondary Teaching majoring in Home Economics through the Central Queensland University. Ms Hayes brings a variety of experiences to St John's from a range of schools including: Berry Springs Primary, Stuart Park Primary, Leanyer Primary, Zuccoli Primary and Holy Spirit Catholic Primary Schools where she has held the positions of Classroom Teacher, Religious Education Coordinator and Assistant Principal. Ms Hayes has completed the Brown Collective's 'Leading From Within' middle leaders professional development and her teaching areas are Home Economics, Religious Education and General Learning Areas from her Primary School experience.
Genevieve Del Borrello – Classroom Teacher & Sports Coordinator (Health and Physical Education) – Commencing Semester 2
I am pleased to announce the appointment of Ms Genevieve Del Borrello to the position of Classroom Teacher and Sports Coordinator commencing Monday 15 July 2024. Ms Del Borrello holds a Bachelor of Education (Secondary) from Edith Cowan University, a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment from Alana Kaye College and is currently undertaking a Master of Education (Leadership and Management) through The University of Notre Dame. Ms Del Borrello joins St John's from Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Thamarrurr Catholic College Wadeye where she has undertaken a number of duties including: Classroom Teacher, Attendance Officer, Head of HPE, and Wellbeing and Pastoral Care Leader (Primary). Ms Del Borrello has undertaken a number of relevant professional learnings including: Leading From Within - Middle Leadership Program, The Brown Collective, Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum, Managing Aggressive Behaviour (MAPA), Essential Skills for Classroom Management (ESCM) and Trauma Informed Practice.
Ernie Flemming – Classroom Teacher and Head of Daley House – Commencing Semester 2
I am pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Ernie Fleming as a Classroom Teacher and Head of Daley House commencing the beginning of Semester 2. Mr Fleming holds a Bachelor of Arts: Humanities, and a Diploma of Secondary Teaching from Avondale College of Higher Education. Mr Fleming has an extensive teaching career having held teaching, middle management and senior leadership positions across the Department of Education Victoria, and more recent experience at St Philips College Alice Springs and Taminmin College. Mr Fleming has taught a range of subjects during his extensive teaching career.
The College is also in the final stages of the recruitment process for the position of Assistant Principal Religious Education. We hopefully will be in a position to make an announcement soon.
Enrolment and Attendance Update:

This year the College’s target for enrolments is 275 students. At time of publication, the College’s enrolment is 276 students. The College’s overall attendance rate is 78.6%, below our goal of 90%+. As part of our Strategic Plan, the College is committed to ‘driving student enrolments, attendance, engagement and retention supporting growth and achievement, differentiation and choice’. Whilst there is context to every student’s attendance rate, the College’s goal is a 90%+ attendance rate for each student. On a 200-day school year, 90% represents attending 180 days per year (less public holidays and school closure days). Whilst it is pleasing the number of students who maintain excellent attendance, it is most concerning the significant number of students who are well below the 90%+ goal. By choosing to enrol at St John’s, students are joining a community committed to our Catholic Identity, quality teaching and learning, and good pastoral care. Research supports a focus on attendance, as a fully engaged student is more likely to experience positive education, employment, health and wellbeing outcomes. The College looks forward to working with students and families to improve individual and overall attendance.
Impact Of Attendance Rates Over Time | ||
Attendance Rate | Missed Days on a 200-day School Year | Missed Days Over 6 Years (Length of Secondary Schooling) |
100% Attendance - Excellent | 0 days missed | 0 days missed |
95% Attendance - Excellent | 10 days missed | 60 days missed - more than 1 school term over 6 years |
90% Attendance - Expected | 20 days missed | 120 days missed - more than 1 school semester over 6 years |
85% Attendance – Of Concern | 30 days missed | 180 days missed - close to 1 school year over 6 years |
80% Attendance - Of Concern | 40 days missed | 240 days missed - more than 1 school year over 6 years |
75% Attendance - Of Concern | 50 days missed | 300 days missed - 1.5 school years over 6 years |
70% Attendance - At Risk | 60 days missed | 360 days missed - close to 2 school years over 6 years |

Catholic Education Northern Territory (CENT) – Learning Alliance:
All CENT schools, including St John’s, are involved in the CENT Learning Alliance as supported by Dr Lyn Sharratt and her publication Clarity, a resource based around 14 parameters for system and school improvement. Learn more about the 14 Parameters here:

Merit Pins
The 2024 – 2027 Strategic Plan includes the goal to: cultivate and embrace our identity and spirit, enhancing the College as a place of welcome and belonging, and as a highly engaged, diverse and inclusive community.
As a way of encouraging, celebrating and inculcating School Wide Positive Behaviours (SWPB) we are pleased to launch Merit Pins commencing the beginning of Semester 2.
Over the course of the semester, a limited number of Merit Pins will be awarded to students for consistently displaying School Wide Positive Behaviours. With the aim to further develop and enhance our school culture to inspire and influence all students and enhance our community as a place of welcome and belonging inspired by Gospel values.
Phase 1 Merit Pins:
- St John Evangelist Pins are awarded by the Deputy Principal or Principal for meritorious witness of the College values of Compassion, Courage, Welcome and Truth.
- House Spirit Pins are awarded by Heads of House for meritorious conduct and enhancement of House identity, pride and spirit.
- SJ Eagles Wings Pins are awarded by the Sports Coordinator for meritorious participation, performance or sportsmanship.
Plans are underway to introduce additional Merit Pins in categories for Attendance, Boarding, Diligence and Achievement. We ask all recipients of Merit Pins to wear their pins with pride.

Congratulations Mr and Mrs Friis
Congratulations to Head of Doneley House, Mr Ben Friis, and former St John’s Staff Member, Miss Anna Watt, on their recent wedding at St Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church in Claremont WA. Wishing Mr & Mrs Friis much love, happiness, and blessings.

Reconciliation Week
During the next few weeks we will acknowledge and celebrate National Reconciliation Week which was initiated in 1996 by Reconciliation Australia to celebrate Aboriginal and Islander history and culture in Australia and foster reconciliation discussion and activities. Reconciliation Week is not only a symbolic gesture, it’s a week that recounts significant milestones in our history and development as a Nation.
26 May – National Sorry Day: National Sorry Day provides an opportunity for people to come together and share the journey towards healing for the Stolen Generations, their families and communities.
27 May – Anniversary of the 1967 Referendum: The 1967 Referendum was a landmark achievement following decades of activism by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous people, where more than 90 percent of Australians voted in favour of amending two sections of the Australian Constitution.
27 May to 3 June – National Reconciliation Week: National Reconciliation Week celebrations commemorate two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey – the anniversaries of the successful 1967 Referendum and the High Court Mabo Decision.
3 June – Mabo Day: On June 3 1992, the High Court of Australia overturned the principle of “terra nullius” or “nobody’s land” as claimed by the British when they first arrived in this country. The decision has paved the way for Native Title legislation.

Enjoy the beautiful dry season weather, some wonder events coming up including the Darwin City to Surf ( and the Barunga Festival (
Fortes in Fide,
Cameron Hughes
Deputy Principal

Dear friends and families of St John’s Catholic College,
Term Two has brought a sense of gratitude (for a born and bred South Australian) to experience elements of the wonderful ‘Dry Season’ I’ve heard so much about. I have no doubt the nicer weather has contributed to a great start to the term. Some might say, we are smaller in number than other schools, but the strong sense of unity and camaraderie that pervades every aspect of St John’s Catholic College, displays we hit well above our weight in a community sense of welcome, respect, inclusiveness, and vibrancy as a community.
As always, it has been a busy five weeks and we have made a great start within the important context of our core expectations – to stay safe, respect everybody, and learn every day. Our students have been excellent in delving into their studies, as particularly for our senior students, it’s crunch time now to get stuck into their assignments.
Our parent/teacher interviews were an excellent opportunity for our parents/guardians to discuss their child's progress, address any concerns, and collaborate on ways to support their academic and personal development. We were very pleased with the turnout and positive dialogue that occurred throughout the night. These are always a great opportunity for open communication, questions, concerns, or insights parents/guardians have about their child's learning experience. At St John’s Catholic College, we believe that a strong partnership between parents and teachers is crucial for the success of our students.
The Pro Diligentia awards were a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the achievements of our students. The Pro-Diligentia Award focuses on student effort, application, and engagement during their education. We celebrated students who consistently do things such as show up to class every day, pay attention, and tries their best to complete all work. It was heartening to see so many families in attendance recognising the achievements of their children.
Open Day was celebrated and over 60+ students from St Mary’s Catholic Primary School and other government schools, visited St John’s to experience a day in the life of our beautiful community. It was a fantastic occasion, and I was so impressed in the build-up to the day, whilst visiting schools to promote the event, that we are really seen as a school of choice for families. Students from our primary schools eagerly asked questions about the community that is St John’s Catholic College.
Luke Darcy, former AFL Champion, and current Channel 7 media commentator visited the College in Week 5 to talk to our students about a range of topics. Luke focussed on various aspects of leadership, making the most of your talents, how education is such an important opportunity, to be the best you can be is a way to happiness, physical/mental/spiritual wellbeing, and spent time afterwards taking with many of our students. We are very grateful to Luke for spending time with us.
Finally, Friday of Week 5 brought together our Year 11 cohort for their special retreat day. The NET Team, who are a group of young adults, who dedicate a year of their lives to serve others, facilitated the retreat. It was a wonderful day for our students to allow themselves to refresh their minds, hearts, and spirits, by engaging in moments of reflection, prayer, songs, games, and a beautiful Mass to finish the day. We thank the NET Team for the wonderful work they do with our students at St John’s Catholic College.
Kind regards,
Joseph Hicks
Deputy Principal
My New Gallery

Assistant Principal: Teaching and Learning

Dear St John’s Catholic College Community,
Stage 2 Students – Halfway there!
A reminder to Year 12 students that all coursework for your subjects will be completed by Friday Week 10 Term 3. All school-based assessment should be completed by this date. The first version of the SACE Exam timetable is now available; however, is subject to change and does not yet include the languages oral and written exams. It is important that Year 12 students continue to work hard and follow a study plan to ensure they complete the required work for their courses on time.
Year 12 Students – SACE Exams 2024
The first version of the SACE Examination timetable for 2024 has been released. It is important for students to note that this timetable may change and that not all exam dates have been released. Students should also note that the time listed is the starting time of the examination. Students are expected to be at the exam room 30 minutes before the start time.
A reminder to Year 12 students that all coursework for your subjects will be completed by Friday Week 10 Term 3. All school-based assessment should be completed by this date.
Students are required to achieve a ‘C-‘ or better in 3 subjects (60 credits) at Stage 2 in order to qualify for the NTCET. This is in conjunction with the 140 credits at a ‘C’ grade or better at a Stage 1 or 2 level and the successful completion of the compulsory subjects (PLP, 2 x literacy, 1 x numeracy units).
To achieve an ATAR (university entrance score), students are required to undertake 90 credits worth of Stage 2 subjects.
Student Tracking – Years 10-12 SACE subjects
Students in Years 10-12 enrolled in SACE subjects will have received their traffic light tracking this week.
St John’s Catholic College senior students (Years 10 – 12) undertake the Northern Territory Certificate of Education and Training (NTCET). The College regularly monitors the academic progress of all senior students to support successful NTCET completion.
As part of the monitoring process, a traffic light style tracking has taken place. Students have been highlighted in one of three colours to indicate their current progress in a Stage 2 subject as pictured below:

On Track: Students who have submitted all work to date and are on track to potentially earn a C- or higher will receive a green highlight.
Of Concern: Students who may have a missing task or some tasks not at a potential C- or higher will receive an orange highlight.
At Risk of Failure: Students who may have multiple missing tasks and/or multiple tasks not at a potential C- or higher and are therefore at risk of failing a subject will receive a red highlight.
In addition to this, those students who have two or more subjects in either an orange or red highlight have been flagged by the College as at risk of not successfully completing the NTCET by the end of the 2024 academic year. This is due to the requirements to achieve the NTCET in which students are required to have 200 credits, 140 credits at a C or better and 60 credits of Stage 2 subjects at a C- or better. Students are encouraged to discuss their progress with their subject teachers.
Year 10 Students
A reminder to Year 10 students that by the end of the year you are required to have the following criteria in order to progress to Year 11 and be on track to achieve the NTCET:
- Minimum of 40 credits at a ‘C’ or higher
- PLP achieved at a ‘C’ grade or higher
- English subject achieved at a ‘C’ grade or higher
Students who have not successfully completed Stage 1 PLP in Semester 1 will be required to re-enrol in this subject in Semester 2.
Students may also be required to change their English and Mathematics subjects in order to achieve the compulsory required units for the NTCET.
Year 11 Students
A reminder to Year 11 students, that by the end of the year you are required to have met the following criteria in order to progress to Year 12 and be on track to complete the NTCET:
- 140 credits at a ‘C’ grade or higher
- All compulsories completed at a ‘C’ or higher – 2 x English subjects, 1 x Maths subject, 1 x PLP
Students who have not successfully completed their Maths subject in Semester 1 will be required to change their Math selection in Semester 2 in order to achieve the required compulsory units for the NTCET. This may also be required for some students undertaking Stage 1 English subjects in Year 11.
Students Online – SACE Results portal for studentsYear 12 students must log into StudentsOnline, the SACE results portal for students, in order to
access their results and ATAR at the end of the year. Students must log into the portal and ensure
that they have ticked ‘yes’ to the sharing preferences. By not doing this, you may restrict your result access, which may include not generating an ATAR as you have not ticked ‘yes’ to sharing with SATAC.
Targeted Placement
Our College uses the targeted placement policy to place students in classes in Years7-9 core classes and Year 10 Math. The College does not offer mixed ability classes for these subjects:
The targeted placement policy is used from Years 7-9 in:
- RE
- English
- History/Geography
- Mathematics
- Science
Targeted Placement refers to the grouping of students in classes based on academic levels to best cater for their learning needs. Targeted Placement provides the opportunity for students to receive support and/or extension depending on their progress in each subject area. Targeted Placement decisions are informed by a range of data collected through: NAPLAN, standardised tests, school assessment and other relevant considerations.
Teaching & Learning Team
The Teaching & Learning Team members for 2023 are as follows
Inclusion Support Ms Shinead Love
VET/Careers Ms Tracey Ingui
ACARA Coordinator – STEAM Alexander Savage
Please make contact with the relevant Coordinator if you have questions.
May God Bless you all,
Cherilyn Hughes
Assistant Principal - Teaching and Learning

Director of Boarding

To our St. John’s community,
The first half of the term has been eventful and busy as usual and our students have been engaged and are working hard.
Our capacity at the Boarding House is 80 students, currently our boys' dorms are full and we have a small waiting list of boys ready to come in. For our girls' dorms, we only have a few spaces left and are quickly filling up. This means that we have a consistent cohort of students that are committed to their learning at the College and who are showing meaningful engagement and participation in the Boarding program.
VET Program
We have a large number of students attending VET programs this year and we love seeing photos of them in the workplace and training, building new skills for the future. The courses include; Tourism, Childcare, Rural Operations, Allied Health, Mechanics, and more.

Katie Austral and Ahelena Stuart-Hall – VET program, Certificate III in Tourism

Crishaune Carter, Edward Darcy, Brooklyn Cubillo and Lazarus Oxtoby – VET program, Certificate II in Rural Operations

Edward Darcy and Crishaune Carter – VET program, Certificate II in Rural Operations
Our activities program has been very full this term, we love to see students’ engaged in these opportunities and making the most of their time at the College. Boxfit NT came to the College to showcase their program and lots of students attended and had a great workout.
We attended the NRL game earlier this month in Darwin with the Dolphins and the Parramatta Eels, and last night we attended the AFL game between the Suns and Geelong. These were a great success and enjoyed very much by the students.
Every weekend we are out in the community engaging in events to provide a unique and meaningful experience for our students, including ice skating, Waterfront, ANZAC Day march, Cadets, fishing, movies, youth club and of course we attend Mass every Sunday.

BoxFit NT program
Learning Nest
Our Middle School students have been increasing their learning by attending the after school ‘learning nest’ each week and have shown commitment and engagement with this program. They are supported by tutors and have the opportunity to do additional homework and learning through this structured program.
Golden Tickets
We have also been working on our rewards program and have had a number of student winning Golden Tickets this term. Positive acts in boarding that go above and beyond the normal expectations of our students are rewarded with a golden ticket. If a student receives three golden tickets in the Semester then they will receive a major Golden Ticket and then given a reward which they can choose (within reason!!).
This term our major Golden Ticket winners so far have been;
- Sasha Kelantumama
- Tyrrell Lindsay
- Taniesha John-Forrest
- Tanya Cook
- Rishi Mishra
National Boarding Week
This week is also recognised as the National Boarding Week through the organisation ABSA (Australian Boarding Schools Association) it is a great opportunity to recognise the work done by many people to ensure that the Boarding House is running to it’s capacity and to its optimal level. There are many people to thank and we are very grateful for their ongoing hard work and dedication to the College.
It is also great to recognise the effort that our students are showing and the commitment that the make to be here for their education. We have a wonderful cohort of students at the College and we are very happy to have them here and achieving great things

Kind regards
Scott Mannion
Director of Boarding
Finance Manager

Dear College Community,
I wish to thank all families who made their 2024 Semester 1 fee payments on time and would like to request families who still have outstanding fees to ensure fees are paid in full before the end of the semester.
To facilitate the payment process, we offer several convenient payment options including weekly / fortnightly direct debits, online payments, credit card payments and in-person payments at our finance office. If you have any questions about the payment options available to you, please do not hesitate to contact our finance team.
The finance team is committed to providing seamless support services to the College to ensure the best possible education outcomes for our students.
Ruth Suriyagoda CA, CPA, FCA (SL)
Finance Manager
Inclusion Support

Dear College Community,
The Inclusion Support Team would like to welcome Daniel Amoko, our newest Inclusion Support Assistant to the team. He has been working alongside our current staff and with our students.
Just a reminder as census draws closer, we will begin our NCCD evidence collection during week 7. If you are a family that have yet to provide us with diagnosis documentation, please contact me at to discuss what we will need you to provide to ensure ongoing support.
We have moved to a new version of the program Inspire where we collect and create our Education Adjustment Plans for student. Please be aware the new EAP’s have a different format, so if you need any clarification around this please reach out. If you are seeking a face to face appointment please contact myself on the email above or contact Zen Zenri at to secure a time.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Shinead Love
Inclusion Support Coordinator
Head of STEM

Dear College Community,
As we approach the end of the semester, students are wrapping up their final assessments in their STEM subjects. This year we continue to consolidate our implementation of Version 9 of the Australian Curriculum in our teaching and assessment, building on our work introducing this last year. Students are encouraged to keep up their positive engagement with the SEQTA Learn platform so far this year, continuing to use the site to stay on top of their assessment requirements and due dates.
This semester, our range of STEM subjects has increased through the introduction of our chess elective taught by Mr Brayden Nheu. After learning basic rules and techniques, students have engaged in deeper strategic thinking and quickly developed a competitive spirit in the class. The introduction of chess timers has also contributed to an entertaining but intense focus as pictured below!
Kind regards,
Alexander Savage
Head of STEM
My New Gallery

Stage 1 General Mathematics students are learning about statistics. Using Smarties coloured chocolate as visual aid, they explored the concepts of mean, mode, median, range, and interquartile range. By sorting and analysing the chocolate pieces, students visualised these statistical measures, making abstract ideas more concrete and understandable. This engaging approach helped students grasp how data can be organised and interpreted, reinforcing their learning through practical, visual examples.
In the 10.2 Mathematics class, students and teacher collaborate to create vibrant, informative posters that act as "The Third Teacher," as described by Dr. Lyn Sharratt in her book "Clarity." These posters transform the classroom into a dynamic learning environment to support students' understanding of mathematical concepts. By involving students in the creation process, the classroom becomes a space where students are actively engaged, constantly interacting with visual aids that reinforce their lessons.

Sacred Heart Day 2024
This year we celebrate 150 years of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart (OLSH) and 170 years of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart (MSC). Parents, carers, families, and members of the St John's Catholic College community are warmly invited to join us in celebration of the Eucharist.

A friendly reminder that College lockers are available for students to place their belongings during recess or lunch or when not in use. Students who require locker facility will have to get their own lock and two keys. Head of House will then assign a locker to the student and student will need to provide one key to HOH and gets to keep the second key.