Newsletter Term 2 Week 6 -10
Principal's Report

Dear Members of the St John’s Catholic College Community,
Dearest Lord,
Lift us high on Eagles’ wings,
teach us to be Strong in Faith,
St John the Evangelist
guides us to live Your Word,
giving witness to compassion and courage,
welcome and truth.
St John the Evangelist – Pray for Us
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be everywhere loved – Forever!
Semester 2:
- Monday 15 July – Staff Day
- Tuesday 16 July – Boarders’ Travel Day
- Tuesday 16 July – Classes Commence
Student Free Day & Staff Catholic Identity Day Friday 21 June 2024 (Week 10, Term 2)
Our Strategic Plan for 2024 – 2027 outlines the strategies to:
- Integrate contemporary faith formation experiences and Catholic Social Teachings throughout College life.
- Celebrate and continue to share the story of our Missionaries of the Sacred Heart (MSC) and Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart (OLSH) heritage and charism, as well as our patron, Saint John the Evangelist.
- Nurture relevant community, national and global partnerships.
Key to realising these strategies is the ongoing professional learning and faith formation of our staff. This correspondence is to communicate that our annual Staff Catholic Identity Day will take place on Friday 21 June (Week 10, Term 2), resulting in a Student Free Day for all students. This date has been selected to minimise the impact to the teaching and learning program, and to allow all staff members (day and boarding) to attend. This year, the staff from St John’s Catholic College will join with the staff from St Mary’s Catholic Primary School as we celebrate our shared Chevaliean Charism as we join for a day of Catholic Identity and Faith Formation in Spirituality of the Heart delivered by the Chevalier Institute.
Introducing School Bus Route 130
Great News!!! Following advocacy from the College Advisory Board, St John's Catholic College will now be serviced with a PM Bus Route covering the inner-city suburbs. Service 130 commences 15 July. Our thanks to the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics and our Local Member, Brent Potter MLA.

Sacred Heart Day
Wonderful to join with so many students, staff, former staff, parents / carers, community members and representatives from Holy Spirit Catholic Primary School for Mass as we celebrated the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus – our Feast Day, or as we call it at St John’s, Sacred Heart Day!
St John’s Catholic College draws its charism from two religious orders, the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart (MSC) and the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart (OLSH). Our spiritual founder, Father Jules Chevalier was a French Catholic priest who was born in Richelieu, France in 1824. Father Chevalier was ordained a priest in 1851 and founded the MSC in 1854 and the OLSH in 1874 in Issoudun, France. He died in 1907. Father Chevalier had a deep devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and believed that the whole of creation is the gift of God’s love, and that everything that exists is being sustained and cared for by God’s tender compassionate care.
We call ourselves Heart People, the colour red is significant to us, Red – Heart, Red – Compassion, Red – Spirit and Red – Love. It is this symbology that guided the selection of red as the colour of our renewed College Uniform. On Sacred Heart Day, we recommit ourselves to being Heart People as we aspire to lead, live, love and learn with a strong sense of Heart Spirituality giving witness to our College values of Compassion, Courage, Welcome and Truth.
Following Mass the College Community enjoyed a wonderful day of swimming, waterslides, BBQs, Soccer and Volleyball at Leanyer Recreation Water Park. Our thanks to Phil and Spud at Darwin’s 97.7 for providing an outdoor broadcast at the Water Park and for interviewing so many of our students on ‘what makes St John’s and Sacred Heart Day so special’.

Staffing Update:
At the end of Semester 1, the College will farewell Mr Mark Joseph Del Mar (Inclusion Support Assistant), Ms Alison Lowe (Boarding House Team Leader) and Mr Harvey Jupp (Community Engagement Officer). We also wish Ms Melissa Nielsen a restful break as she takes much deserved long service leave. We thank the above listed staff for their contributions to the College and wish them all the best in their future endeavours. In the interim, Mr Jesse Young will act in the position of Community Engagement Officer until the end of Week 5, Term 3. In addition, Mr Izaak Thomas will take on the role of Acting Head of O’Loughlin House for Term 3. At the beginning of Semester 2, the College will welcome back Sister Sari Lagho in the role of Classroom Teacher. In addition, the College will welcome:
Mr Justin Veitch - Acting Assistant Principal Religious Education – Commencing Semester 2
I am pleased to announce the appointment of Justin Veitch as Acting Assistant Principal Religious Education at St John’s Catholic College with effect from 15 July 2024 to 13 December 2024. Justin’s qualifications include a Certificate III in Horticulture from TAFE Tasmania (2006), a Bachelor of Education from the University of Tasmania (2009), Masters of Educational Leadership from Monash University (2018) and Graduate Diploma in Business Administration in Leadership (2019). Justin has held several school leadership positions including Principal at Corpus Christi Catholic School (Sep 2021 – Current), Deputy Principal – Kinder – Year 10 at Sacred Heart College (January 2020 – September 2021), Acting Principal at St Therese’s Catholic School (2017 – 2018, 2019) and Assistant Principal at St Paul’s Catholic School (July 2014 – July 2017). Please join me in congratulating Justin on his appointment as he takes on this important role at St John’s Catholic College, Darwin. (wording taken from CENT Circular)
Carla Hayes – Classroom Teacher (Home Economics / Food and Hospitality) – Commencing Semester 2
I am pleased to announce the appointment of Ms Carla Hayes to a teaching position commencing Monday 15 July 2024. Ms Hayes holds a Bachelor of Education from the University of Southern Queensland, and is currently studying a Diploma of Secondary Teaching majoring in Home Economics through the Central Queensland University. Ms Hayes brings a variety of experiences to St John's from a range of schools including: Berry Springs Primary, Stuart Park Primary, Leanyer Primary, Zuccoli Primary and Holy Spirit Catholic Primary Schools where she has held the positions of Classroom Teacher, Religious Education Coordinator and Assistant Principal. Ms Hayes has completed the Brown Collective's 'Leading From Within' middle leaders professional development and her teaching areas are Home Economics, Religious Education and General Learning Areas from her Primary School experience.
Genevieve Del Borrello – Classroom Teacher & Sports Coordinator (Health and Physical Education) – Commencing Semester 2
I am pleased to announce the appointment of Ms Genevieve Del Borrello to the position of Classroom Teacher and Sports Coordinator commencing Monday 15 July 2024. Ms Del Borrello holds a Bachelor of Education (Secondary) from Edith Cowan University, a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment from Alana Kaye College and is currently undertaking a Master of Education (Leadership and Management) through The University of Notre Dame. Ms Del Borrello joins St John's from Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Thamarrurr Catholic College Wadeye where she has undertaken a number of duties including: Classroom Teacher, Attendance Officer, Head of HPE, and Wellbeing and Pastoral Care Leader (Primary). Ms Del Borrello has undertaken a number of relevant professional learnings including: Leading From Within - Middle Leadership Program, The Brown Collective, Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum, Managing Aggressive Behaviour (MAPA), Essential Skills for Classroom Management (ESCM) and Trauma Informed Practice.
Ernie Flemming – Classroom Teacher and Head of Daley House – Commencing Semester 2
I am pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Ernie Fleming as a Classroom Teacher and Head of Daley House commencing the beginning of Semester 2. Mr Fleming holds a Bachelor of Arts: Humanities, and a Diploma of Secondary Teaching from Avondale College of Higher Education. Mr Fleming has an extensive teaching career having held teaching, middle management and senior leadership positions across the Department of Education Victoria, and more recent experience at St Philips College Alice Springs and Taminmin College. Mr Fleming has taught a range of subjects during his extensive teaching career.
Semester 2 Timetable
Students completed their Semester 2 Subject Selection Forms recently via an electronic form. Following a successful recruiting Teacher period, the College is able expand our offerings and introduce reforms for Semester 2:
- The 8.3 & 9.3 core classes that have been operating as a composite class have been split into two separate classes.
- Year 7 which as operated as two streams (7.1 and 7.3) in Term 2, will return to three streams (7.1, 7.2 and 7.3) in Semester 2.
- Due to growth in student enrolments, the Intensive English Unit has been split to two streams, a Beginning / Emerging class and an Emerging / Developing class.
- Additional classes have been added to the Middle School elective lines, including:
- Three x Sport and Recreation classes, with an identified sport focus for each class – Basketball Focus, Soccer Focus & Australian Rules Focus
- Art has increased from two classes to three classes
- Food and Hospitality has increased from two classes to three classes
- Drama – appears on the subject selection form twice
- Mandarin – returns to the subject selection form
- Introduction of Science Extension
- Please note that Design & Technology: Woodwork and Metalwork will only run for Term 3.
- At the Stage 1 level, the College is pleased to introduce Stage 1 Health and Wellbeing.
- As always, subjects and electives are subject to teacher availability and student interest, therefore, classes will need to be reviewed once the Subject Selection process has been finalized.
- The reforms to the Semester 2 timetable, which have been made possible due to a successful recruitment period, align with our Strategic Plan to:
- Provide differentiation of learning opportunities and foster academic excellence, growth and achievement through the ongoing implementation of the targeted placement policy, and a range of engaging subjects and learning experiences across the middle and senior years.
- Drive student enrolments, attendance, engagement and retention supporting growth and achievement, differentiation and choice.
Stage 1 Health and Wellbeing
The following is taken from the SACE Curriculum Statement to provide Students and Families with more information regarding Stage 1 Health and Wellbeing:
In Stage 1 Health and Wellbeing, students develop the knowledge, skills, and understandings required to explore and understand influences and make decisions regarding health and wellbeing. They consider the role of health and wellbeing in different contexts and explore ways of promoting positive outcomes for individuals and global society. Health and Wellbeing is influenced by diverse social and cultural attitudes, beliefs, and practices. An understanding of the health and wellbeing status of individuals, communities, and global societies incorporates, for example, health determinants and strategies to improve lifestyle decisions. Students may explore principles and frameworks relating to health and wellbeing. In Health and Wellbeing, student agency is promoted through providing opportunities to make responsible choices and decisions in a rapidly changing world. Students explore and develop skills as agents and advocates for change and consider moral and ethical perspectives. Students evaluate current trends and issues that impact health and wellbeing. They reflect on personal and community actions to promote and improve sustainable outcomes for individuals, communities, and global society. Teachers select from the concepts of Health Literacy, Health Determinants, Social Equity, and Health Promotion. These may be considered through the lens of individual and global contexts.
Launch of SEQTA Engage – For Parents / Carers
SEQTA is our Learning Management System (LMS). SEQTA is the platform for: subject information, attendance, assessment, reporting and communication. SEQTA contains three platforms:
- SEQTA Teach - for Teachers
- SEQTA Learn - for Students
- SEQTA Engage - for Parents / Carers
A reminder that End of Semester 1 Academic Reports will be released via SEQTA. Parents / Carers, please ensure that you have logged into SEQTA prior to the end of Semester 1. Reports will be released to Parents / Carers via SEQTA on Monday 24 June 2024.
The College recently launched SEQTA Engage for Parents and Carers. It has been pleasing to see the uptake of SEQTA Engage in such a short period of time. Thank you to all families for their patience as the College introduces our new Learning Management System. It certainly is a learning journey for all of us. Teachers have been busy learning the new functions and populating the various fields with information. This of course is a process and will take time to fully implement. Parents and Carers should have been emailed a ‘how to manual’, this document can also be accessed via our website at: SEQTA further expands the integration of ICTs into our College, in the past few years the College has introduced: a Bring Your Own Device Laptop Program, Electronic Textbook Library – Jacaranda, Mathletics as a support and extension resource and SORA – a digital library.
Merit Pins Launch
The 2024 – 2027 Strategic Plan includes the goal to: cultivate and embrace our identity and spirit, enhancing the College as a place of welcome and belonging, and as a highly engaged, diverse and inclusive community. As a way of encouraging, celebrating and inculcating School Wide Positive Behaviours (SWPB) we are pleased to launch Merit Pins commencing the beginning of Semester 2. Over the course of the semester, a limited number of Merit Pins will be awarded to students for consistently displaying School Wide Positive Behaviours. With the aim to further develop and enhance our school culture to inspire and influence all students and enhance our community as a place of welcome and belonging inspired by Gospel values.
Phase 1 Merit Pins:
- St John the Evangelist Pins are awarded by the Deputy Principal or Principal for meritorious witness of the College values of Compassion, Courage, Welcome and Truth.
- House Spirit Pins are awarded by Heads of House for meritorious conduct and enhancement of House identity, pride and spirit.
- SJ Eagles Wings Pins are awarded by the Sports Coordinator for meritorious participation, performance or sportsmanship.
Plans are underway to introduce additional Merit Pins in categories for Attendance, Boarding, Diligence and Achievement. We ask all recipients of Merit Pins to wear their pins with pride.
Congratulations to the following students for receiving the St John's Evangelist Pins:
- Rishi Mishra
- Hunter Watling
- Matisse Read
Congratulations to the following students for receiving the House Spirit Pins:
- Maki Ushindi - Doneley House
- Maria Helina Ravini Jansz - Burford House
- Sasha Kelantumama - Daley House
- Edward Darcy - O'Loughlin House
Enrolment and Attendance Update:

This year the College’s target for enrolments is 275 students. At time of publication, the College’s enrolment is 283 students. The College’s overall attendance rate is 87%, below our goal of 90%+. As part of our Strategic Plan, the College is committed to ‘driving student enrolments, attendance, engagement and retention supporting growth and achievement, differentiation and choice’. Whilst there is context to every student’s attendance rate, the College’s goal is a 90%+ attendance rate for each student. On a 200-day school year, 90% represents attending 180 days per year (less public holidays and school closure days). Whilst it is pleasing the number of students who maintain excellent attendance, it is most concerning the significant number of students who are well below the 90%+ goal. By choosing to enrol at St John’s, students are joining a community committed to our Catholic Identity, quality teaching and learning, and good pastoral care. Research supports a focus on attendance, as a fully engaged student is more likely to experience positive education, employment, health and wellbeing outcomes. The College looks forward to working with students and families to improve individual and overall attendance.

College Advisory Board
The College Advisory Board is committed to supporting the Principal and the Strategic Leadership Team in providing a good governance function and working towards the College’s vision: St John’s Catholic College is a safe, connected, learning community for local, boarding and international students. We strive for excellence and ensure the holistic development of each student through a balanced approach to faith, academic, sporting and cultural activities.
The College Advisory Board meets eight times a year (twice per Term) on Tuesdays from 5pm to 7pm. Board Members are appointed on a two-year term, and the College is seeking a finance representative who can contribute to the Board. Should you be interested in nominating, the Principal, Cameron Hughes, and the Chair of the College Advisory Board, Neil Pomfret (, are available to discuss the nomination process and the Board's work.
Please find below the College Advisory Board nomination form.
Congratulations to Maria Cameirao and Zachariah Thorbjornsen on their recent wedding.
Enjoy the three-week break.
Fortes in Fide,
Cameron Hughes
Deputy Principal

Dear friends and families of St John’s Catholic College,
A great term 2 now comes to an end. A term full of learning and activities. So far in 2024 it has certainly been an exciting year in the way St John’s Catholic College have implemented teaching and learning processes through SEQTA, our new online learning platform. SEQTA, is designed to allow our learners to have greater clarity about the learning and assessment goals and receive timely feedback to influence their point of need learning. It also allows you and your son/daughter to achieve feedback in real time learning closer to the point of assessment. As we have moved through another term, lot of great work has occurred with our teachers using SEQTA to provide greater clarity of assessment and detailed feedback at points of learning, which will feature within the release of reports through SEQTA occurring soon.
Sacred Heart Day was a fantastic experience for our staff and students. We came together for Mass at Holy Spirit which was celebrated by Missionary of the Sacred Heart Priest Fr John, and our College Chaplain, Fr Suraj. Our students were excellent in the way they fully and actively participated in the Mass, joining in with the singing and responses. It was indeed a joyful Mass. After Mass we headed to Leanyer Adventure Park for a wonderful day of fun, friendship, and activities. Students were given the opportunity to engage in water activities, play sports with staff members, spend time together (without their phones) and enjoy the spirit of ‘strong together in faith’ that we embody at St John’s Catholic College.
We entered again into the significant time of the year when we counsel our students to think about their subject selections in the middle years. St John’s Catholic College offers such a wide range of choices for our students and the online format this year, has made the process easier for students to identify and process their requests. Our Year 10 and 11 students are making subject choices which starts to look at life beyond school and increased discernment takes place as this is done. As we head towards the term 3 we look forward to working with families as we help support our students in developing their skills as well as guiding them on pathways for success.
Pastoral care is such an important aspect of life of St John’s Catholic College. I continue to be impressed to witness our student’s commitment to our core expectations – to stay safe, respect everybody, and learn every day. When we gather as a whole College regularly, we come back to these important expectations, and during Home Room, regular pastoral conversations and activities, continue to encourage our students to focus on how they are going within these core expectations.
Kind Regards,
Joseph Hicks
Deputy Principal
Assistant Principal: Teaching and Learning

Dear St John’s Catholic College Community,
Semester 1 Reports – SEQTA Engage
Our semester reports will be released electronically via SEQTA during the first week of the holidays. Parents/Guardians can view reports once released using the SEQTA Engage app. Reports are also able to be viewed through the student app SEQTA Learn on the ‘Reports’ page.
No reports will be emailed, please ensure that you have installed and accessed the SEQTA Engage app.
If you did not receive your unique QR code to access the app please contact the administration team.
Please note: teachers will be available during parent/teacher night to discuss reports or at the beginning of Semester 2 2024.
Stage 2 Students
A reminder to Year 12 students that all coursework for your subjects will be completed by Friday Week 10 Term 3. All school-based assessment should be completed by this date. The first version of the SACE Exam timetable is now available; however, is subject to change and does not yet include the languages oral and written exams. It is important that Year 12 students continue to work hard and follow a study plan to ensure they complete the required work for their courses on time.
Year 12 Students – SACE Exams 2024
The first version of the SACE Examination timetable for 2024 has been released. It is important for students to note that this timetable may change and that not all exam dates have been released. Students should also note that the time listed is the starting time of the examination. Students are expected to be at the exam room 30 minutes before the start time.
A reminder to Year 12 students that all coursework for your subjects will be completed by Friday Week 10 Term 3. All school-based assessment should be completed by this date.
Students are required to achieve a ‘C-‘ or better in 3 subjects (60 credits) at Stage 2 in order to qualify for the NTCET. This is in conjunction with the 140 credits at a ‘C’ grade or better at a Stage 1 or 2 level and the successful completion of the compulsory subjects (PLP, 2 x literacy, 1 x numeracy units).
To achieve an ATAR (university entrance score), students are required to undertake 90 credits worth of Stage 2 subjects.
Student Tracking – Years 10-12 SACE subjects
Students in Years 10-12 enrolled in SACE subjects will have received their traffic light tracking this week.
St John’s Catholic College senior students (Years 10 – 12) undertake the Northern Territory Certificate of Education and Training (NTCET). The College regularly monitors the academic progress of all senior students to support successful NTCET completion.
As part of the monitoring process, a traffic light style tracking has taken place. Students have been highlighted in one of three colours to indicate their current progress in a Stage 2 subject as pictured below:

On Track: Students who have submitted all work to date and are on track to potentially earn a C- or higher will receive a green highlight.
Of Concern: Students who may have a missing task or some tasks not at a potential C- or higher will receive an orange highlight.
At Risk of Failure: Students who may have multiple missing tasks and/or multiple tasks not at a potential C- or higher and are therefore at risk of failing a subject will receive a red highlight.
In addition to this, those students who have two or more subjects in either an orange or red highlight have been flagged by the College as at risk of not successfully completing the NTCET by the end of the 2024 academic year. This is due to the requirements to achieve the NTCET in which students are required to have 200 credits, 140 credits at a C or better and 60 credits of Stage 2 subjects at a C- or better. Students are encouraged to discuss their progress with their subject teachers.
Year 10 Students
A reminder to Year 10 students that by the end of the year you are required to have the following criteria in order to progress to Year 11 and be on track to achieve the NTCET:
- Minimum of 40 credits at a ‘C’ or higher
- PLP achieved at a ‘C’ grade or higher
- English subject achieved at a ‘C’ grade or higher
Students who have not successfully completed Stage 1 PLP in Semester 1 will be required to re-enrol in this subject in Semester 2.
Students may also be required to change their English and Mathematics subjects in order to achieve the compulsory required units for the NTCET.
Year 11 Students
A reminder to Year 11 students, that by the end of the year you are required to have met the following criteria in order to progress to Year 12 and be on track to complete the NTCET:
- 140 credits at a ‘C’ grade or higher
- All compulsories completed at a ‘C’ or higher – 2 x English subjects, 1 x Maths subject, 1 x PLP
Students who have not successfully completed their Maths subject in Semester 1 will be required to change their Math selection in Semester 2 in order to achieve the required compulsory units for the NTCET. This may also be required for some students undertaking Stage 1 English subjects in Year 11.
StudentsOnline – SACE Results portal for studentsYear 12 students must log into StudentsOnline, the SACE results portal for students, in order to access their results and ATAR at the end of the year. Students must log into the portal and ensure that they have ticked ‘yes’ to the sharing preferences. By not doing this, you may restrict your result access, which may include not generating an ATAR as you have not ticked ‘yes’ to sharing with SATAC.

Targeted Placement
Our College uses the targeted placement policy to place students in classes in Years7-9 core classes and Year 10 Math. The College does not offer mixed ability classes for these subjects:
The targeted placement policy is used from Years 7-9 in:
- RE
- English
- History/Geography
- Mathematics
- Science
Targeted Placement refers to the grouping of students in classes based on academic levels to best cater for their learning needs. Targeted Placement provides the opportunity for students to receive support and/or extension depending on their progress in each subject area. Targeted Placement decisions are informed by a range of data collected through: NAPLAN, standardised tests, school assessment and other relevant considerations.
Teaching & Learning Team
The Teaching & Learning Team members for 2024 are as follows:
Head of STEM Mr Alex Savage
Inclusion Support Ms Shinead Love
VET/Careers Ms Tracey Ingui
Please make contact with the relevant Coordinator if you have questions.
Kind regards
Cherilyn Hughes
Assistant Principal: Teaching and Learning
Director of Boarding

To our St. John’s community,
In recent times, we have organised to take our Boarding students away on a Boarding camp twice a year. We feel that this gives the students a release from being on site at the College through the term and allows them to connect with the wonderful natural resources that we have in the Territory.
Our senior students went away on camp a couple of weeks ago to Litchfield National Park. We stayed at the Environmental Education Centre overnight and enjoyed two great days at the park.
Our student are wonderful to take on camp and showed their maturity and leadership throughout the trip to be able to manage themselves, pack up and clean-up, help to cook and organise themselves very well.
We went for a walk and a swim on both days and enjoyed a magnificent time away. This trip helps consolidate the relationships between the students and build connections between the staff and the students, giving benefit to all. It gives opportunity for leadership and team building and has many other benefits.
Next term we will also go away with our junior student to Batchelor Outdoor Education Centre for a similar experience.
We have enjoyed a great Semester and we hope that you all enjoy the upcoming holidays with friends and families. We look forward to seeing you again next Semester.
Kind regards
Scott Mannion
Director of Boarding

Finance Manager

Dear Parents / Guardians,
I wish to thank all families who made their 2024 Semester 1 fee payments on time and would like to request families who still have outstanding fees to ensure fees are paid in full before the end of the semester.
To facilitate the payment process, we offer several convenient payment options including weekly/fortnightly direct debits, online payments, credit card payments and in-person payments at our finance office. If you have any questions about the payment options available to you, please do not hesitate to contact our finance team.
The finance team is committed to providing seamless support services to the College to ensure the best possible education outcomes for our students.
Wishing you all a restful Semester break.
Kind regards,
Finance Manager
Ruth Suriyagoda CA, CPA, FCA (SL)
Vet Coordinator

Dear Members of the St John’s Catholic College Community,
University Visits
It has been a busy Term with our senior students thinking about and preparing for their post-secondary school options and what that looks like for them.
Our senior students have attended several university presentations this term here at St John’s Catholic College. Our presenters have visited from The University of South Australia, Charles Darwin University, The Australian National University, Flinders University and The University of Adelaide.
These visits are a wonderful opportunity for students to not only learn about which courses are on offer, pathways to university and how to apply to university but to hear about scholarship offers and accommodation options as well.

Edith Cowan University will also present to our students early next term as well as GTNT/Apprenticeships Australia for those students interested in an apprenticeship pathway.
In week three next term we also have a SATAC Information session booked in for our senior students to familiarise them with the application process.
SATAC applications for courses starting in 2025 open on Monday, 5 August 2024. Please submit your applications by 30 September as a higher application processing fee will apply after this date for undergraduate applications.
Vocational Work Placements have commenced with a number of our VET students commencing placement with their host businesses. We take this opportunity to thank all of our host employers/supervisors for taking on our students for the duration of their placements.
Expressions of Interest for VET Courses in 2025 will open next term. If you have students who are interested in applying for a VET course or would like to know which courses may be on offer in 2025 please encourage them to visit the VET/Careers Coordinator Miss Tracey in the LOTE Centre for further information.

Year 9 – Skill Sets (unless otherwise stated) and Certificate I programs
Year 10 – Skill Sets, Certificate I & II
Year 11 & 12 – All Programs
Kind Regards,
Tracey Ingui
VET/Careers Coordinator

An upcoming FREE non-accredited course during school holiday
Inclusion Support

Dear Members of the St John’s Catholic College Community,
The inclusion team would like to wish everyone a safe and restful break for the coming school holidays.
As we reach the end of the financial year, we also approach census. This is a busy time in the inclusion space as we need to provide our evidence for NCCD. If you are a family that has yet to provide us with documentation, please check your email inbox or your spam inbox. My self or Zen will message you if we require any additional documentation. Please find attached the NCCD fact sheet for parents, guardians and carers for more information around what the NCCD is, why we collect the data and the benefits to students.
Your child may be due for an EAP renewal, as we update documents every 6 months. Please make sure you check your inbox for the most recent copy. Please feel free to reach out to myself or Zen Zenri at or to book an EAP meeting time. We offer face to face, teams and zoom meetings to suit all family’s needs and availability.
Enjoy this three week break as we look forward to seeing you back next semester.
Upcoming events and additional information:
Navigating your post-school plans with confidence
Wednesday 24 July, 5:00pm (AEST)
Presenter: Dr Michael Healy
School is such a big part of your life; you might have mixed feelings as you approach the end of it. You might be excited about your next steps. But it’s okay if you’re not sure about your post-school plans or feeling a bit anxious or overwhelmed about it all.
In this webinar, you’ll hear about six simple ideas that will help you think about your future with confidence. Some of them might surprise you!
- Different kinds of post-school pathways.
- Why it’s OK if you don’t know what you want to do.
- Why it’s OK to change your mind.
- Why ATAR might not be as important as you think.
- How to research your options.
- Who to talk to for help.
If you can’t make it to the live webinar, register anyway, and we’ll send you the recording to watch later.
Kind regards,
Shinead Love
Inclusion Support

Good News Stories
Mathematics class
What better way to wrap up Semester 1 than by taking Maths outside the classroom? This week, 9.1 Maths class put trigonometry into practice right on the school campus. Using clinometers, students measured angles of elevation and tackled the challenge of calculating the heights of the college’s gym building and the tallest tree on the campus. It was a fantastic way for students to see their studies in action and have some hands-on fun with Maths! 9.1 Maths

Congratulations to Afia Azam and Dylan Ngere who were selected to represent the college at the Charles Darwin University Science Excellence Experience. Afia and Dylan participated in two days of intensive workshops in health, environmental science, virtual reality, robotics. They joined selected Year 11 students from a range of NT schools gaining an insight into the daily work of researchers at the university.

A trip to the Mangrove boardwalk - Stage 1 Biology Students
Stage 1 Biology students are finishing the term by visiting a number of local Darwin ecosystems as part of their unit on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics. Students have been collecting data on abiotic factors such as pH, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and water temperature. They have also investigated the adaptations of the plants and animals that live in each area. Below are some photos of the trip to the Mangrove boardwalk at East Point, including a crab in the hole of a tree.

PE News
Wheelchair Basketball Participation at DBA
Students at DBA had an exhilarating experience participating in wheelchair basketball for their Stage 1 PE Modified Games Participation Analysis. For many, it was their first time engaging in this adaptive sport, which emphasized fun and inclusivity. The activity provided a unique perspective on the challenges and skills involved in wheelchair basketball, fostering empathy and teamwork. Students embraced the experience wholeheartedly, enjoying the dynamic pace and the opportunity to learn something new. The session was not only educational but also a memorable highlight, showcasing the joy of sports through a different lens.
Stage 1 Coaching Constraints Assignment
In the Stage 1 Coaching Constraints assignment, DBA students took on the role of coaches, running their own sessions in soccer, basketball, AFL, and NRL. This hands-on experience allowed them to explore different coaching methods and strategies, considering constraints such as time, equipment, and varying skill levels of participants. Each student-led session focused on fostering a supportive and engaging environment. Through this assignment, students developed leadership skills, enhanced their understanding of game mechanics, and gained practical insights into the complexities of coaching diverse sports. The project was a valuable exercise in creativity, adaptability, and effective communication.
Term 2 Self-Improvement Portfolio
Throughout Term 2, Stage 2 PE students worked diligently on their Self-Improvement Portfolios, focusing on enhancing their bench press performance. This comprehensive project involved analyzing their current abilities, learning from collaborative sessions, and applying principles of biomechanics and strategic training. By setting personalized goals and monitoring their progress, students developed a deeper understanding of strength training and its impact on overall fitness. The portfolio emphasized continuous self-assessment and adaptation, encouraging students to refine their techniques and strategies. This journey of self-improvement not only boosted their physical capabilities but also instilled a strong sense of discipline and perseverance.

Design and Technology Class
Piper Gaisford and Isabella Padilla from Year 7 Design and Technology-Material (Metal) class are posing with their finely crafted Pencil Porter and Bottle opener projects.

HOUSE CUP Semester One Results
The results are in - Daley won the Senior School, whilst DONELEY proved too strong in the Middle School! We find ourselves at the end of Semester 1 - with Daley pulling away from the pack, on the back of a BIG Swimming Carnival win and dominating the Senior School Basketball and Soccer. Although with two carnivals to come in Semester 2, and many more House Cup Events - there is plenty of time for Doneley, Burford and O'Loughlin to stage comebacks!

V8 Super Car Fun
Five students from the Student Representative Committee

Safeguarding Contacts
Please find attached poster below for Key Contact People for the National Principles of Child Safe Organisations